Touhou ~Red Empress Devil.

"Touhou ~Red Empress Devil." is a captivating bullet-hell roguelike action game set in the mysterious Scarlet Devil Mansion. Created by STUDIO POCO, it weaves intense twin-stick shooter mechanics with retro pixel graphics, delivering an exhilarating gameplay experience. As the inhabitants of Gensokyo go on a rampage, players must navigate chaotic bullet patterns and procedurally generated levels to restore order. Packed with exciting features like permadeath and roguelike elements, the game offers challenging yet rewarding gameplay. With its charming female protagonist and striking visuals, it’s a thrilling adventure for fans of action and indie games alike. Wishlist now to join the craze upon release!

March 06, 2025
69 % Positive (302 reviews)


Bullet-Hell Action

"Touhou ~Red Empress Devil." offers intense bullet-hell gameplay with chaotic and challenging patterns.

Roguelike Mechanics

Enjoy procedurally generated levels and permadeath for a dynamic and replayable experience.

Retro Pixel Graphics

The game dazzles with its charming retro-inspired pixel art.

Female Protagonist

Play as a strong and captivating female character, a hallmark of the Touhou series.

Scarlet Devil Mansion Setting

Explore the intriguing and iconic setting of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Single-Player Experience

This game focuses on an immersive single-player adventure.

Twin-Stick Shooter

Dive into exhilarating twin-stick shooter combat that adds depth and excitement.

Steam Features

"Touhou ~Red Empress Devil." supports Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud, and Family Sharing for added convenience.

Multilingual Support

The game is accessible to a broad audience with support for multiple interface languages.

Wishlist Now!

Don’t miss out on this thrilling adventure. Add "Touhou ~Red Empress Devil." to your wishlist today!

Key Features

Steam Achievements
Steam Cloud
Family Sharing

Frequently Asked Questions

What is "Touhou ~Red Empress Devil." about?

It’s a bullet-hell shooting roguelike game set in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, where Gensokyo's inhabitants go wild.

What platforms does this game support?

The game currently supports Windows.

Who developed "Touhou ~Red Empress Devil."?

The game was developed and published by STUDIO POCO.

Is there a multiplayer mode?

No, "Touhou ~Red Empress Devil." is a single-player game.

What are the system requirements for the game?

The minimum requirements are Windows 10 64bit, Intel Core i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, INTEL HD Graphics 530, and 2 GB storage space.

Are there roguelike features in this game?

Yes, the game includes roguelike elements such as procedurally generated levels and permadeath.

On which date will "Touhou ~Red Empress Devil." be released?

The game is scheduled to be released on March 6, 2025.

Does the game include pixel graphics?

Yes, the game features stunning retro pixel graphics.

Is this game beginner-friendly?

The game has a challenging bullet-hell style that may appeal more to players who enjoy intense action games.

What languages are supported in "Touhou ~Red Empress Devil."?

The game’s interface supports multiple languages, including English, French, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, German, and many more.


Action Indie


Twin Stick Shooter Top-Down Shooter Bullet Hell Mystery Dungeon Shooter Retro Action Roguelike Roguelite Vampire Thriller Female Protagonist Cute Pixel Graphics Roguelike Procedural Generation Perma Death Character Action Game 2D Action RPG Top-Down

System Requirements



Windows 10 64bit




2 GB available space


INTEL HD Graphics 530



Intel Core i3

Supported Languages

Language Interface Subtitles Audio
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Spanish - Spain
Portuguese - Brazil
Portuguese - Portugal